Timber Tones Exotic Wood Guitar Picks Review

Timber Tones Plectrums are a new type of luxury guitar pick which are designed and sold within the UK.  What makes these picks different from most others is that each one is finely crafted from one of 18 different exotic woods from around the world, with each having their own unique tone.

Each pick is shaped by machine to exacting specifications, which ensures that the only difference between each one is the wood that they are created from.  Once they come off the production line each Timber Tone goes through a quality control checklist to ensure that they are up to scratch.  After passing this initial scrutiny the picks are treated with wax which seals the wood and gives them a more grippy texture.  Finally each pick is given a generous coating of Tung oil to help enhance the wood’s natural beauty.

“You’ve treated yourself to high end guitar equipment, now treat yourself to one of the best plectrums money can buy…” – TimberTones

I was sent a couple of sample packs of Timber Tones to try out and I’ve been busy putting them through their paces over the last couple of weeks.  I was given an electric sample pack which contained four picks for electric guitar, and an acoustic sample pack which contained four picks for acoustic guitar…

The Electric Timber Tones

The Timber Tones included in the electric package were made from some of the harder woods on offer.  The hardness of each wood is calculated using the Janka scale which measures the force required to embed an 11.28mm steel ball into wood to half the ball’s diameter.  Included in the electric package were Lignum Vitae (4500), African Ebony (3320), Sonokeling (3080) and Bloodwood (2990).  Take a look at some more detailed images below…

Timber Tones Electric Guitar Picks Wooden

The hardest of the lot is the Lignum Vitae pick – my dad told me they used to make ship propeller shaft bearings out of this!  It’s also very, very smooth, despite the rather crazy looking patterns and ridges running over it.

Most people will know what the African Ebony will feel like considering that it is used on many fingerboards.  Due to its very tight grain it is as smooth as a button between the fingers.

V-Picks Guitar Picks Review

Six months ago I would have had no idea what a V-Pick was, but right now it is damn near impossible to visit a guitar website or forum and not find someone raving over these seemingly magical little picks.  I recently contacted Vinni at V-Picks.com and he was kind enough to send me over a sample pack to try out for myself.  Let’s see what all the fuss is about!

V-Picks are made from a special type of acrylic which gives them a very slick, transparent appearance.  But aside from looking great, the main advantage to this material is the grip, or ‘grippage’ as the guys at V-Picks like to call it.  These little chaps have grip by the bucket load, but that’s not to say they’re too sticky – the balance is just perfect.  Their tagline of ‘never drop your pick again’ seems to be spot on!

A further innovative feature on most of the V-Pick variations is their three-sided composition.  The pick is designed so that you can hold it from any one of the sides, as each corner is the same as the other.  A typical model will cost a little more than your average brand name pick, but when you consider that you are actually getting three picks in one, these suddenly become excellent value for money.

So let’s take a look at these wondrous plectrums already!  My sample pack included five different picks and I have given a brief outline of each below.

V-Picks Guitar Picks Review Plectrum Left Handed

Medium Ultra Lite Pointed

At 0.75mm this was the thinnest pick I was sent.  Its slight flexibility makes it great for acoustic guitar and the pointed tips help to provide a bright, snappy, well articulated tone.  These are also available in small and large sizes as well as in a beautiful ruby red color.

Thoughts: My new acoustic pick of choice!  This little gem sounds absolutely dreamy both for simple strumming and more complex arpeggios.  The added grip makes them ideal for those times when you really let rip and are going to town with your strumming. It sounds great on my Donner DAG-1C acoustic.

Medium Lite Pointed

This pick is very similar to the Ultra Lite series with the main difference being that they are twice as thick at 1.5mm.  They produce a tone which is slightly fuller than the Ultra Lites as you would expect from a thicker pick.  A fantastic jack-of-all-trades!  Also available in small, large and freakishly large sizes.

Vintage V100 Lemon Drop Review

A review of the rather outstanding Vintage V100 Icon Lemon Drop. Dollar for Dollar, the BEST guitar I have owned to date!