With Halloween fast approaching I thought it would be a fun idea to take a look at some of the most ghastly, freakishly EVIL custom guitars out there. Here are 13 of the most vile creations I could find…

This list isn’t ranked by order of EVIL, but I’ve certainly left the most gruesome and disturbing of all til last. You may want to steer clear of the end of page, because what appears there truly is the stuff of nightmares – evil incarnate some might say! Happy Halloween!
13 Halloween Themed Guitars
ESP LTD Devil Girl
This evil guitar was made in 2002 and features a plastic composite body in the shape of a female devil, complete with tail inlay. Only around 100 of these limited edition creations were produced.

Hutchinson Nurgle Guitar
James Hutchinson is a UK based artist who creates themed and highly stylised guitars.
The inspiration for the Nurgle Les Paul came from the Warhammer 40,000 universe in which Nurgle is the God of death and decay. The guitar top is heavily corroded and eaten away by rust and worm holes.

ODD ‘Spider’ 3D Printed Guitar
This evil guitar is a little different to the rest in that it features a 3D printed body!
By utilising 3D printing technology ODD has managed to create a ridiculously intricate and complex design, featuring a spider web body complete with tiny spiders crawling around inside.
You can view more of ODD’s 3D printed guitars on their website.

ESP Flaming Skull Guitar
Another scary guitar from ESP, this one being designed by the incredibly talented and absolute legend Jimmy DiResta.
Looks like a great guitar for players who like to adopt a classical sitting position – that mouth seems like it would slot over your leg quite nicely!

Ibanez Devil Mask J-Custom
This is a one of a kind Ibanez J-Custom, hand carved in Japan in 1998 for a guitar gallery in Orlando, Florida.
This was on sale for a cool $5000 and you can see why when you look at the detail involved in the carving of this scary guitar.
Photos were hard to come by, but fortunately there’s a great video of it on YouTube. As you can see from the video you can look straight through the mouth of the carving, sort of like an evil version of Steve Vai’s monkeygrip! \m/
Schecter Custom Shop Coffin Guitar
This is a 2009 USA Custom Shop offering from Schecter. Doesn’t come cheap though – this airbrushed masterpiece would have set you back a cool $5000 ;)

ESP Shinigami ‘God of Death’ Guitar
This work of art is a special creation by ESP Master Luthier Masao Ohmuro. It depicts a Shinigami (God of Death) slashing his scythe through the body of the guitar.
You can view more of Masao’s unbelievable work here.

Hembry Dragon Guitar
Is it a dragon, a demon, or is it the devil? Whatever it is, it’s pretty scary looking! For added bad-assery the eyes also light up!
Check out more crazy evil designs at Hembry Guitars.

George Lynch Custom Skull & Bones Guitar
This guitar was hand-carved for George Lynch by famous Hollywood horror movie make-up artist Johnny Frog.
It was made in conjunction with Ed Roman Guitars.

Lieber Guitars Gigerstein Guitar
This scary guitar was commissioned by Chris Stein of Blondie and is based on the works of H.R. Giger – who you will probably know for his work in the movie ‘Alien’.
The bio-mechanical body design is hand carved in wood and is adorned with carbon graphite, assorted biological materials and bronze castings. Lieber Guitars put a price of $64,000 on it!
With this guitar being so utterly badass you’d think there would be some high quality photos of it – unfortunately not :(

Custom Paintjob
Of course, if these outrageous guitars are little OTT for you, then you could consider getting a more straightforward custom paint job by your friendly neighbourhood artist.
Or failing that why not try a stock guitar with a crazy finish like this ESP Ltd Dan Jacobs signature DJ600?

Or how about Metallica’s Kirk Hammett and his famous signature Karloff the Mummy ESP?
Kirk also owns a few other guitars with similar horror themed finishes, be sure to check out his famous Ouija Board ESP and the less publicly seen Red Frankenstein ESP!

And the Winner Is…
MY EYES!!!! MY EYES!!!!……… Oh the humanity!!! The Justin Bieber signature guitar is the true stuff of nightmare. Happy Halloween everybody!
More Halloween Content!
Why not check out my list of 13 awesome Halloween guitar songs that you can learn this October!

Or, you’ll definitely love this post where I asked artificial intelligence to design 13 amplifiers inspired by iconic horror movies!