Best Left-Handed Acoustic Bass Guitars

Left Handed Acoustic Bass Guitars

Discover the best left-handed acoustic bass guitars for every budget! Perfect for unplugged gigs, songwriting, or casual jam sessions.

Ibanez Left Handed Guitars & Basses

Left Handed Ibanez Guitars

Check out our guide to find out which left handed Ibanez guitars and basses are available this year. New models just added!

PRS Left Handed Guitars

PRS Left Handed Guitars

Discover the full range of left handed PRS guitars. Just announced – Silver Sky and Zach Myers lefties!

Left Handed Reverend Guitars

Reverend Left Handed Guitars

Check out the always eye-catching left handed range of instruments from Reverend Guitars this year!

7 Best Left Handed Semi Hollow Guitars

Left Handed Semi Hollow Guitars

Discover the best left-handed semi-hollow guitars. This guide covers models for all budgets, highlighting sound quality and playability.

Epiphone Left Handed Guitars

Left Handed Epiphone Guitars

The full range of Epiphone left handed guitars & basses. There are 40 instruments in total, including Les Pauls, SGs, ES-335s, Broadways, Casinos, and more!

Hagstrom Left Handed Guitars & Basses

Left Handed Hagstrom Guitars

Check out the full range of Hagstrom left handed guitar and bass models currently available! Browse 8 amazing lefty guitars from the Swedish brand.